The Greek portal KATASKEVESKTIRION.GR is the first Greek online media to having published our Internationally Awarded Project INTERelationships. We are happy that Lifetime Design, as described in the article and developed in the project, will set a new standard as a Sustanable Dwelling Model.
In this article, we had the opportunity to make a brief introduction to the values and qualities of Lifetime Design:
“A Lifetime Home equally respects the scale of the child who grows up safely and comfortably in it, but also the special needs of the elderly person who lives there or visits his grandchildren, ultimately serving the needs of the family throughout their lives”
INTERelationships therefore sets a new Sustainable Housing Model that equates the User with the Energy Efficiency Planning, the Green Technologies and the Operational Management of the available resources (spatial and human, Waste and Energy management). These values are consistently expressed in the design of this Residential Complex which is the culmination of our many years of research in the field of Universal & Inclusive Design.