Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.


EU Parliament Offices in Athens

EU Parliament Offices in Athens

In 1992, the EU called an International Competition for the convertion of the Historical Scheduled Building ‘Mavromihali’. Our practice was assigned the convertion of the 2,000 sqm building into Offices for the EU in Athens. It is a four-storey high building that accommodates a Library, an Archive, Administration Offices, Political Offices of the EU, Press Room, the Offices of the Greek Vice Presidents of the EU and a Reception hall (former dancing hall) on the first floor.

The building, rich in decoration motifs, was built in 1870. The convertion was from Residential to Offices. Lift shafts and fire escapes had to be added. Special attention needed to be paid to the air-condition pipes and tubes in order to be discreet not obstruct the decoration of walls and ceilings. The building has been repeatedly published in newspapers and magazines.




European Parliament


